

Vestigial is an arcade game released in March of 2022. Started in 2019, Vestigial had the goals of making both a unique and new arcade experience and a mech game with a fast pace. Vestigial became a videogame about the power fantasy of being a kaiju and the catharsis of becoming nature’s vengeance.

It is a unique and one-off arcade machine. It can be currently played in Burlington VT, at the Generator Makerspace.


It began with Unique Controls

Vestigial began as a prototype to make a mech game with a custom set of joysticks: Joysticks with joysticks on them. The concept was moving around and aiming two weapons and wrecking havoc. Unfortunately, Aiming two joysticks at once is pretty difficult…

Targeting System

To compensate for the fact that aiming two arms at once and moving is too much, we devised a targeting system. This system allowed for the game to still utilize the unique controls while not being cumbersome to play. The Targeting System has since been pulled out, cleaned up, and put on the Unity Asset Store. You can find more information about it here: Unity Targeting System.


Vestigial was made with the Unity Game Engine, and runs on an UDOO Bolt. The Joysticks were manufactured by SureGrip Controls. The joystick controller is an Arduino Leonardo on a board designed by Leif Hunneman.


Vestigial was made by:

Robin Lloyd-Miller, and

Alex Toulan Isobel Shasha Remy Vogler
Andrew Marathas Jake Blend Roxy Dvareckas
Campbell Fletcher Leif Hunneman Scott Barter
Fisher Lillian Musetta Sean Kennedy
Forest Bond / Minor Drama Megan McAvoy Vincent Flores

Including special thanks to:

  • Seamus Hannan
  • Keith Epstein
  • Jake Pierce
  • and my dear brother Daniel